My collaborator Dr. Eleanor Velasquez, in her role as TERN education manager, was instrumental in funding and helping set up a new Science engagement walk at SERF – and the Forest Art Intelligence Site, it was decided, would become a key stop along the way – ensuring that the project would be part of a circuit visitors would regularly make to the site.
The Engaging Science/Science Walk Launch Event took place at SERF on June 4th and was launched by the Qld Chief Scientist. It was followed by a full day symposium where all researchers connected to the site presented their work.

Setting up for the day involved the negotiation of text and signage with the TERN graphic designers – which initially (June 2024) was printed on core-flute to test the idea. A video was also shot at the site and a web page associated via a QR code.

On the launch date I also showed a preliminary version of the artwork Analog Intelligence and also presented the project to an assembled group of scientists and other interested visitors in a talk called Forest Art Intelligence: Art, Science and a Red Backed Quail Meet at the Forest’s Edge.